On Thursday, 26 May 2016 at 21:17:18 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
On Thursday, 26 May 2016 at 20:27:25 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

It may be that we want to create another list or two for some specific stuff, but trying to split stuff across a bunch of groups is going to cause its own problems. We already have enough issues with folks posting in the wrong group as it is (e.g. Learn questions keep ending up in the main

I suggest renaming Learn to be Learn/Help.

Wow your feedback is great so far!
I am glad to see that we can have a good on-topic conversation :)
So to summarize all comments so far, how about this new structure:

New users:
- Learn / Help
- General
- Announce
- Develop (dmd, druntime, phobos, dlang.org, ...)
- Language design

1) Afaik the LDC community moved over to Gitter/Github for most of their communication and I guess for them just Annouce or Develop would be fine.
2) Is Language design unique enough to be an own list?
3) "Development / Develop" is a bit strange - better ideas? Should we dump the top-level categories? 4) If automated bot lists should continue to exist, the should be apropriately marked

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