On Wednesday, 1 June 2016 at 01:36:43 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
deprecated void popFront(T)(ref T t) if(isSomeString!T) {
  static assert(0, "this is crap, fix your code.");
deprecated("use -versionstring_migration to fix your buggy code, would you like to know more?")
/* existing popFront here */

deprecated("autodecode attempted, use byDchar instead")
alias popFront=_d_popFront;
alias popFront=_d_popFront;

void _d_popFront(T)(ref T t) if(isSomeString!T) {
/* existing popFront here */

The migration branch should compile and work or template constraints will silently fail. Then deprecation messages can be grepped. That said does compiler print deprecation messages triggered inside template constraints?

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