On 6/3/16 7:47 AM, maik klein wrote:
I rely a lot on std.experimental.alloctor for my "game engine". I have
just finished creating my own version for "Algebraic" and I want to
disable to default construction as it would make no sense.

I have also created my own containers, the problem is that I can not use
my version of "Algebraic" in any of my containers because all of them
are using std.experimental.alloctor.makeArray which can not be used with
non default constructible types.

While I don't want to have any default constructed type of Algebraic, I
really don't care for uninitialized values that I will never use anyway.

I am sure there is a workaround with unions but it would be nice if
makeArray/expandArray would just support non default constructible types.


Looks like a bug. Do you have a short repro? -- Andrei

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