More than two and half years ago, Sönke added ddox builds for the Phobos documentation. We all know that there are many reasons for ddox - being able to generate single pages for methods is just one, it also eliminates all the JavaScript hacks (e.g. the quickindex menu, anchors, ...) that we have added over time to deal with the shortcomings of ddoc.

This post originates from a recent discussion [2] that showed the higher ranking of the ddox pages in search engines because of those single pages, more static content and meta information.

To quote Adam [3]:

ddox got a decent go up to here.
But then we need to decide what's next - a clear goal, including a due date, gets us all aligned and removes a lot of the uncertainty on the author's side; it is some reassurance that they aren't wasting their time, and encourages outside teams to get onboard.

We got the MREF change into Phobos a month ago and Sönke has fixed the last blocking bug with ddox (broken source code links) a couple of days ago.

Imho it's quite impressive that he still pushes the project and as Adam correctly said - we need to make a decision and have a clear deadline like 2.072 will be the last documentation build with ddoc, once it's released we will remove the ddoc Phobos build and make ddox (/library) the standard (with redirect, of course). This gives us also two to three months to test it properly again (it has been tested now for 2.5 years!!) and resolve issues if occurring.

Does this sound reasonable to everyone?


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