On Saturday, 11 June 2016 at 09:23:55 UTC, Chris wrote:

However, with `DScript` I meant a new scripting language that can draw on the power of D, not necessarily a re-implementation of JS. Adam[1] and ketmar[2] have already worked on D based scripting languages. I wonder, if there is interest in creating a D-based (not `debased`) scripting language. D has features that are perfect for scripting or DS languages. Why not try something new? Having a child language might also help with D development in general, who knows.

The source for the old MiniD language[1] is still available at DSource. Jarret moved on and converted it to C++ as Croc[2], but it might be an interesting project to get the old MiniD code compiling again as a starting point.

[1] http://www.dsource.org/projects/minid/browser/trunk
[2] https://github.com/JarrettBillingsley/Croc

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