On Wednesday, 22 June 2016 at 16:51:32 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:
On Wednesday, 22 June 2016 at 16:44:25 UTC, Joerg Joergonson wrote:
How bout Freezing Phobos, except for bugs and start migrating it to Phobos 2.0?.

This would kill the language.

How is that? That makes no sense. If Phobo's is production ready as claimed then freezing it can't make it automagically non-production ready, can it?

This will be migrating Phobos over to use the new constructs(nogc, safe, etc),

How, in your opinion, are these not being used already?

I didn't say they wernt, but they are being done on phobos, which is suppose to be done. The fact that Stopwatch, Monotime, TickDuration are all screwed up, etc... proves that there are problems. The fact that Phobo's is trying to become nogc but isn't yet also shows it has a ways to go.

By the time it's finished D3 will be around and it could be used for it.

D3 will probably never happen; at least not in the foreseeable future.

That gives us plenty of time, right?

This allows a clean break but and to learn, but not be shackled by the past. It could go rather fast(months rather than years) since most of the code is already written, it just needs to be migrated properly(might might not require anything but copy and paste for large amounts of code).

What exactly, in your opinion, needs to be changed? What's so broken that it needs a "clean break"?

Phobos is obviously poorly designed, hacked together, manipulated, and in a constant flux of regressions, bugs, additions, and removals. Have you every used .NET considerably?

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