On Wednesday, 29 June 2016 at 03:11:52 UTC, Hiemlick Hiemlicker wrote:
Suppose one has void test(myEnum e)

enum myEnum

It would be very cool if we could do

test(A) instead of test(myEnum.A).

by context, the compiler can look first in the scope for something named A then look in the enum itself and prepend myEnum internally.

Can you expand on "then look in the enum itself"? Which enum? How to find the correct myEnum, if there is also myEnum2 and myEnum3?

The problem with implicit lookups is that you might accidentally insert bugs when editing somewhere else. This is why D forbids shadowing variables in general. For example:

class Foo {
  int x;
  void bar(int a) {
    return a+1;

Now imagine someone changed the variable "a" into "x". That would change the behavior of "baz(x)" although you did not change the line at all. I have the habit to always prepend this as in "this.x" from Python. It avoids such errors.

Back to enums: If someone inserts another myEnum42 which also has A, the code might suddenly pick the wrong A. The other way round, if you delete myEnum, maybe it finds another A somewhere else. The with-statement makes this explicit and thus more reliable with respect to changes elsewhere.

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