On 10/07/16 02:44, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d wrote:
I find this rather disturbing, actually.  There is a fine line between
taking advantage of assert's to elide stuff that the programmer promises
will not happen, and eliding something that's defined to be UB and
thereby resulting in memory corruption.

I like clang's resolution to this problem. On the one hand, leaving things undefined allows the compiler to optimize away cases that would, otherwise, be horrible for performance.

On the other hand, these optimizations sometimes turn code that was meant to be okay into really not okay.

LLVM, at least for C and C++, has an undefined behavior sanitizer. You can turn it on, and any case where a test that superficial reading of the code suggests takes place, but was optimized away due to undefined behavior, turns into a warning. This allows you to write code in a sane way while not putting in a ton (metric or otherwise, as I won't fight over 10% difference) of security holes.


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