"Anders F Björklund" <a...@algonet.se> wrote in message 
> Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>>> I meant the 1.0 release, in case that wasn't obvious ?
>>> The D project was started ten years ago (1999), I think.
>> Ah. Since 1.0 was just an arbitrary stake-in-the-ground some time after D 
>> was already perfectly usable,so I've never thought of 1.0's release as 
>> being anything special.
> Sure, I think the "official" web site http://d-programming-language.org/
> and the 1.0 release that followed was mostly to generate some interest ?
> I guess the next line-in-the-sand will be the book release, and whatever
> version of DMD 2.x (compiler and specification) that will come with it ?

Perhaps, but this time around there seems to be a major effort to get as 
many details as possible worked out before drawing that line. (Yay! :) ) 

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