On 7/15/2016 12:46 PM, Jack Stouffer wrote:
On Friday, 15 July 2016 at 05:10:29 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
The absolutely easiest reinstall was dmd - I just copied the directory over
from the backup - but I suppose handing out awards to ourselves is a bit

Always nice to dog food every once and a while to confirm it though.

OT: Why is the install process for mac apps so much nicer compared to windows 

To install something on OS X, drag the application from the .dmg folder to your
application folder, and you're done. Windows apps always have me go through a
multistep "install wizard" that takes anywhere from 2 minutes to a half hour
depending on the app :/

For a time at Symantec I pushed through making the compiler runnable directly off of the CD without requiring an installation. Just put the CD in, and you could do everything (a little slowly, of course, since CDs are slow).

I was bemused by so many people who simply could not accept that this could even work, they were so conditioned by installation programs. If I wasn't paying attention, Symantec would revert to type and require an installation program for it. :-)

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