Bill Baxter Wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 2:05 PM, Michel Fortin
> <> wrote:
> > On 2009-11-11 10:57:20 -0500, "Robert Jacques" <> said:
> >
> >>  * Uses '+' for concatenation
> Yeh, I was disappointed by that too.
> > That's what I dislike the most about it. I quite like the syntax and I quite
> > like the concept of interfaces as a replacement for traditional OOP.
> I also dislike the use of Capitalization for protection levels.  Yeh,
> it's simple, and yeh it saves them a few keywords, and yeh it puts an
> end to the debate over camelCase vs CamelCase, but ... ugh.  It
> reminds me of Fortran with the rule of A-H are floats and I-N are ints
> or whatever that rule was.

Exactly! same feeling here!

I also dislike the need of tabs for indentation.


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