On 12.08.2016 22:22, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 08/12/2016 03:34 PM, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 10.08.2016 22:36, Dicebot wrote:

The first DIP has just landed into the new queue. It is a proposal from
language authors and thus it bypasses usual nitpicking process and
proceeds straight to requesting community (your!) feedback.

Essentially, it is an attempt to solve reference lifetime problem by
extending implementation of `scope` keyword.

Proposal text: https://github.com/dlang/DIPs/blob/master/DIPs/DIP1000.md

This proposes to add a kind of information the type system is supposed
to track (lifetimes), which cannot be communicated losslessly across
function and aggregate boundaries. Hence it won't work well in its
current form.

Could it work in a restricted manner, yet permissive enough to be
useful? -- Andrei

The issue is that there is information that the type system tracks that cannot be passed around effectively at the type system level.

This generally leads to a painful "fighting-the-compiler" experience when trying to use the feature in a not-completely-trivial capacity (c.f. inout, it is also a case of this). I think users of the language generally expect features to compose. So even if it is useful for the handful of special cases it was designed for, there will be a lot of complaints.

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