On Saturday, 13 August 2016 at 14:52:06 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Good to know, thanks. So what should I use then? -- Andrei

Mint is based on ubuntu, which is based on debian. Both ubuntu and mint prefers having the latest and fanciest thing, while debian favor stability and security.

I assume if this machine has a good mint support, it is probably going to work great on ubuntu and debian, so you may want to try.

Also, some tip on install, so blasting the system on't screw everything up:
 - Have a root partition for the system and system packages.
 - Have a separate partition for /home
- Now the only thing on your system partition that isn't salvageable easily is /etc . Use etckeeper to keep track of it: https://packages.debian.org/jessie/etckeeper

Variations of this setup has served me well for close to a decade now.

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