On Sunday, 21 August 2016 at 21:31:07 UTC, Bill Hicks wrote:
On Sunday, 21 August 2016 at 12:51:16 UTC, Lodovico Giaretta wrote:

Your offensive tone, your attitude to pointing at a single person as the source of the problems,

My friend (or foe), please don't get it twisted. If D had been a huge success, it's Andrei and Walter who were going to take and receive all the credit. As it is, they are known as the creators of the D programming language, and they practically have the final say in its design and implementation. So, I say, if a single person is going to be pointed at as the source of success, then, on the flip side, when a project fails, that person deserves to be pointed at as the source of the problems.
 That's how it works in the real world.

Today those who have spent time and energy learning D and using it in their projects are the real losers in this. They can't get a job as D programmers, because nobody is hiring D programmers, and there are far better languages out there that they could've spent their time learning. And as far as their projects, if it's anything serious, they'll probably have to rewrite it in another programing language. At least Andrei got a book deal out of it, and improved his resume. Isn't Walter touring the world as D consultant? Imagine that, the D's documentation is so good that the few companies using it need the creator himself to consult them out of the mess they're in. And IIRC, a few people here sucked up to Andrei and managed to get a job at Facebook, and they then disappeared. What are you getting out of D?

Moral of the story, never trust a capitalist to do good for humanity, regardless of their cuteness. They either f*ck it up, or line their pockets.

your improper use of low-level stereotypes and non-technical pointless argumentation are definitely out of place.

Based on what OP was asking, I don't think this thread was meant to be very technical.

I think some kind of moderation should be applied to this forum, so that people like you either shut up or start exposing their ideas in a civilized way.

Baby, trust me, text is very civilized, and every flavor of it.
If you can't handle a block of text from the comfort of your computer screen, then you're not going to make it in life. I'm an Amerikan, and I have fully absorbed the culture and its collective philosophy. Text is as civilized as it gets. A line above it is going to involve illegal wars based on lies on a defenseless nation with the objective of raping and killing millions of innocent civilians while stealing their land and precious resources. We've been doing it for centuries, and we are pretty good at it. Now you wouldn't want that, would you?

By the way, you are not answering what I asked you in my previous post. But if you can't do it in a grown-up fashion, don't bother doing it, please.

I don't feel the need to promote my ideal language, and I rarely do. At this point I'm not quiet sure what the ideal systems programming language is or ought to be, but it's definitely not D.

You should realize the flaws are not so much in the people, at least they cannot help it.

Take the English language. It is full of ambiguities and difficult to describe things precisely. Billions of people speak it though and almost all are not aware of how flawed it is. But it is what it is.

There are far better constructed languages out there that are designed to avoid many of the problems with natural languages, yet they are not really taught or used.

It is the state of humanity. Most humans are morons, even though they may specialize in something and be quite good at it, they fail to realize the big picture and the meaning in it all. Their whole goal in life is to get a piece of ass, a piece of food, and do it with the least amount of work.

So, The best thing you can do is try to be a leader by demonstrating better ways and just hope for the best. Yes, D sucks in many ways. It is far from perfect as most of the lemmings believe. But every language sucks, nothing is perfect. Use it or don't, or come up with a better tool and try to make the world a better place.

I feel your pain seeing so much wasted in humanity over the might ego... but unfortunately that is the state of affairs right now in humanity. Arguing with people that don't get it only makes you more insane, and eventually you'll be like them if you are not careful.

While you seem to have something against Andrei and Walter, Just keep in mind that there are many worse people in the world than them. So getting crazy over a compiler when people are killing each other over shoes, or hamburgers, or green paper is much more insane.

Keep fighting but don't let the insanity get to you! ;)

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