On Thursday, 1 September 2016 at 18:24:13 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
The idea is that there'd only be one such "fallback" template, so that you cannot get into a situation such as this. I'm guessing the ICE is
due to a recursive dependency between the two f templates?

I posted the ICE to show that DMD does not necessarily have a clear concept of how your code should be interpreted. Note that you are essentially saying: "If not X then X". It's very easy to run into behaviour that seems inconsistent once you do things like this.

Well, I'd argue that's not quite right and the correct interpretation is "If not the other X then this X", due to the `!__traits(compiles, .f!T)`, explicitly telling the compiler to check if the *other* "overloads" compile. I don't actually know whether template constraints are considered to be at module scope or in the template scope, though, so maybe I'm completely wrong on this.

enum isSomething(T)=false;

int f(T)(T t) if(isSomething!T){
    return 0;
int f(T)(T t) if(!compiles!".f!int") {
    return 2;

enum compiles(string s) = __traits(compiles,mixin(s));
pragma(msg, compiles!".f!int");         // false
pragma(msg, __traits(compiles,.f!int)); // true

DMD cannot properly process code like this (i.e. code that contradicts itself, where the same expression in the same context can be true in one part of the compilation, but false later). Examples can be constructed where the semantics of the resulting code depends on the order that modules are passed on the command line. It's not specified anywhere what should happen, and it is not immediately clear.

DMD shouldn't accept code like this in the first place. It's very brittle, the result depends on random compiler implementation details.

I would argue that this is an entirely different case than my example, but we are getting into compiler implementation details that I know nothing about, so I can't actually say whether it is (or should) be valid code.

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