On 9/1/16 1:37 AM, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
So, consider a set of overloads:

  void f(T)(T t) if(isSomething!T) {}
  void f(T)(T t) if(isSomethingElse!T) {}
  void f(T)(T t) {}

I have a recurring problem where I need a fallback function like the
bottom one, which should be used in lieu of a more precise match.
This is obviously an ambiguous call, but this is a pattern that comes
up an awful lot. How to do it in D?

I've asked this before, and people say:

  void f(T)(T t) if(!isSomething!T && !isSomethingElse!T) {}

Consider that more overloads are being introduced by users spread out
across many modules that define their own kind of T; this solution is
no good.

I agree. Note that if(isSomethingElse!T) may also need to have if(!isSomething!T && isSomethingElse!T).

A suggestion in the past was to allow "else" clauses with if constraints. I had envisioned:

void f(T)(T t) if(isSomething!T) {}
void f(T)(T t) else if(isSomethingElse!T) {}
void f(T)(T t) else {}

But someone also suggested this more DRY solution as well (can't remember the thread for it):

void f(T)(T t) if(isSomething!T) {}
          else if(isSomeghingElse!T) {}
          else {}

Obviously this doesn't work across modules, but how does that even work? You need some sort of ordering for an if/else if/else scheme to work.

Having a "fallback" template could potentially define a way to handle the default, but it doesn't fix the other issues.

I don't know if it's because of the current rules, or just natural, but typically I'm not splitting my template functions between many modules.


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