On 10/09/2016 8:22 PM, Ethan Watson wrote:
On Saturday, 10 September 2016 at 05:56:55 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:
But what about the parts of the code that handle the game
initialization before streaming starts? Is there no

  config = new GameConfig("settings.ini");


  db = new AssetDatabase("menu.pkg");

that perform I/O during construction and potentially display an
exception error messages ?

Everything streams. No exceptions. The only file operations provided to
game code at run time are asynchronous operations.

And if you exploit that correctly, this is one of those things that can
increase boot times, actually. Create your config/database/whatever
objects, request files, instead of initialising them all in order and
slowing down because of synchronous IO they all go to sleep and
streaming system can serve files up as quick as it gets them from disk.

Is there a good example library for this that does not involve a full blown (game)framework?

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