Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
grauzone wrote:
Daniel de Kok wrote:
But hey, there is a compiler for 64-bit binaries :). Of course, I should swallow that, and help with the LDC efforts...

As far as I know, ldc+Tango already works on 64 bit. Also, Go has no Windows compiler, which is an _absolute_ show stopper.

Yeah, but that's something that can be fixed. What is more difficult to

Don't underestimate the negative effects of a bad toolchain. D has the same problem, but (apparently) not as bad.

fix is that Go is all-over an unremarkable and unoriginal language (something that would become obvious if one thinks for a second what would have happened if Go wasn't associated with Google's brand name). On the other hand, it is associated with Google's brand name. :o) It will be interesting to see how things turn out.

I agree, the brand name is probably the best what Go got. (But it's not that Go doesn't contain some good ideas.)


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