On Friday, 30 September 2016 at 09:41:55 UTC, Chris wrote:
On Thursday, 29 September 2016 at 21:32:03 UTC, cym13 wrote:

It's not as if it were the only json library though, asdf for example isn't linked to any web framework https://github.com/tamediadigital/asdf

I like the name `asdf` (it's the same I type when I need random text input). Is there a tutorial / blog / article about it? Maybe it needs more promotion. For the moment it says:
! Currently all ASDF Method names and all UDAs are in DRAFT state, we might want want make them simpler. Please submit an Issue if you have input. ! ASDF is currently only very loosely validating jsons and with certain functions even silently and on purpose ignoring failing Objects (see below).

So not sure, if it's 100% usable.

its definitly 100% usabe, we use it in production.
and it has a much easier API than all the other libs.
we created it especially for the purpose of easy (and blazing fast!) data extraction from json.
give it a spin and report feedback.
unfortunately i have not had the time yet to write a more detailed blog article.
The reason the warning is there is:
- validation: we usually do not care about a few corrupt records within millions, thus there is this feature to silently ignore those, i think you still can make these records fail loudly. - we don't know yet where asdf is bad at, thus we need more feedback - we are open to change the naming convention of the attributes if someone comes up with good reasoning

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