On 10/12/2016 06:56 AM, Stefan Koch wrote:
I just confirmed that branching version is faster then table-lookup.

please test it our for yourself

The table-lookup does produce the smallest code though.

Nice. I like that the table is NOT looked up on the ASCII path, so it stays cold in ASCII text. However, there's a problem with this pattern:

    size_t char_length = 1;
    immutable c = s[0];
    if (c < 192)
        Lend :
        s = s.ptr[char_length .. s.length];
        return ;

as opposed to:

    immutable c = s[0];
    if (c < 192)
        Lend :
        s = s.ptr[1 .. s.length];
        return ;

In the second case, the compiler generates an inc for bumping the pointer and a dec for decreasing the length (small instructions). If the variable char_length is used, add/sub must be used (larger). -- Andrei

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