On 14.11.2016 00:32, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

A Foo[] can be stored in a Foo, because it doesn't need the size. But
yes, as soon as you start needing Appender functions, then the compiler

It is a forward reference bug, but still a bug IMO. If you can store the
appender, then the compiler knows how big it has to be. So it should be
fine at that point.

Paging Timon, I'm betting your front end handles this just fine ;)


It does. :)

Minimal example:

struct Appender(A){
    alias T = typeof({ A a; return a[0]; }());
    T[] data;
    void put(T item){ data~=item; }
struct Foo{ Appender!(Foo[]) fooAppender; }
Foo[] test(){
    Foo f;
    return f.fooAppender.data;
static assert(test().length==1);

Error with DMD, works with my front end.

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