On Sunday, 11 December 2016 at 09:13:41 UTC, Stefan Koch wrote:
On Sunday, 11 December 2016 at 09:05:26 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:

Would you say it has ended up being more or less (or roughly equal) work than you initially expected?

And keep up the good work!

I did expect a lot of work.
But with debugging it exceeded my expectations.
Originally I planned for this to over in 3 months.
Now I am going finish the 6th month and it won't be done completely.

I am just happy that I could keep the bytecode-overhead so low that no one will notice a slow-down when we switch engines.

Work on function-calls is still progressing.

I just fixed labled for and foreach!

uint fn1()
    uint result;
    L: foreach (i; 0 .. 24)
        if (i != 4)
            continue L;
        result += i;
    return result;

static assert(fn1() == 4);

This will work now.
Whereas before it ignored the continue.

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