On 12/15/2016 01:06 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
On Thursday, 15 December 2016 at 17:07:35 UTC, Dominikus Dittes Scherkl
On Thursday, 15 December 2016 at 16:16:51 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 12/14/2016 5:26 AM, Dominikus Dittes Scherkl wrote:
Why not leave it as it is and only change the compiler to
perform inputs _within_ a function before evaluating the
declaration, so that
the symbols imported can be used in the declaration?
fun(Range x) if(isInputRange!x)
import std.range;
auto a = x.front();
That would make it problematic to have function declarations.
So, I no longer propose to change nothing except the internal compiler
Now I propose to additionally change the .di-file generation to also
add all local imports to the start of the declaration file, so that
having this file gives ALL dependencies of the declared stuff.
This makes me think about the current .di generation. As far as I
remember it only strips function bodies and leaves everything else
intact. It could already try to remove unused imports. And in the future
it could replace regular imports with auto-generated DCD-style imports.
Please make this an issue. Thanks! -- Andrei