On Wednesday, 28 December 2016 at 09:37:06 UTC, Jerry wrote:
Personally I'm not really looking for an IDE, I've settled for a text editor with a plugin for it. IDEs tend to be bulky and not be very good at manipulating text or rather lacking features to do so.

It depends on specific IDE.

I don't see how the interface generator is stopping you from releasing the IDE anyways.

It's GUI framework (set of libraries) what I cannot release. IDE is without the libs quite useless.

All it would really stop is
potentially third party plugins. Even then you can just write the interface files yourself. Wouldn't be that hard, just coping the source file and removing function bodies for the most part. What you'd need to do if you were writing C++ code, but you would keep the header and source files in sync as you were developing.

Wouldn't be that hard but the project have 200k lines of code. Making header files manually is a wast of time what i don't have.

But the point is that D compiler specification[1] looks like this part works without a problem and is usable but it's a lie and nobody cares about it. Actually it will not ruin my project but complicates it. And this is not the way in which should business be made. 10 years of development and still some key features won't work properly.

[1] https://dlang.org/dmd-osx.html#interface-files

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