"Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa)" wrote:
On 02/19/2017 02:50 AM, ketmar wrote:
i usually see little reason to "adapt"
myself to something if i can write my own thingy.

Ditto to that. Thunderbird (or rather whatever version I've frozen it at) is the closest match to my needs I've seen so far, but it still irks the heck out on me on various things. And as for modifying it, meh, well Mozilla's earned a reputation for being difficult to talk any user-oriented sense into, and life's too short for a big C++ codebase (I dunno, maybe they've started switching to Rust? In any case, rather just use D.) There's a ton of other things I'd like to do my own version of for similar reasons: Editor, browser, music/media manager, etc. Too much to do, not enough motivation ;)

btw, i almost finished my own little email client. i was using Claws Mail, but finally got tired of it's awful speed, strange filtering and so on. so i took the backend engine from my NNTP reader, improved it a little, and created Chiroptera. wrote support for subset of Claws Mail filters, converted mail archives (~1GB of data, wow!), and now i can retrieve and read mail from all my accounts. sending UI is almost done too (but hey, who needs that anyway?!).

as Chi is based on the same code as NNTP reader, i think that i'll eventually merge NNTP parts into it -- 'cause i already tired of backporting enhancements and bugfixes. ;-)

lucky me: as i don't have to support all possible servers and use cases, i can keep Chi small and fast: it is at least a magnitude faster than Claws Mail on my mail db.

after working with some C++ codebase it is a joy to write in D again. that's prolly why i finally found enough motivation and willpower to do Dingo and Chiroptera.

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