On Friday, 24 February 2017 at 06:59:16 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:


This isn't evidence that memory safety is "the future", though.
This is evidence that people do not follow basic engineering practices (for whatever seemingly valid reasons - such as a project deadline - at the time). Writing a program (with manual memory management) that does not have dangerous memory issues is not an intrinsically hard task. It does, however, require you to *design* your program, not *grow* it (which, btw, is what a software *engineer* should do anyway). Systems such as memory ownership+borrowing, garbage collection, (automatic) reference counting can mitigate the symptoms (and I happily use any or all of them when they are the best tool for the task at hand), but none of them will solve the real issue: The person in front of the screen (which includes you and me).

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