It's actually rather rare to *need* to avoid the GC -- only niche applications need that, like if you're writing a game engine that has to avoid stop-the-world pauses (which can be easily worked around, btw), or real-time medical applications where if it stops for 10ms somebody dies. 90% of real world programs out there work just fine with the GC.

Actually it's my case. I'd LOVE to use D for game development for instance, but I won't take the risk of having the GC pause the game when I don't want to, even for just an unknown amount of milliseconds, and even if I know that anyway I'll try to limit dynamic allocations by using caches etc.

Of course, for everything else (scripts, tools, servers, etc), now I use D and I'm glad with it. Because for that same scripts and applications, I could have used any other garbage collected language (JavaScript/, C#, etc), so no problem for that.

And that's my point.

D is probably the best alternative to C++, Java, C# and Node.js. Better than Rust too.

But for D to succeed as a viable alternative to C++ where it's mandatory to use it, it must have a minimalistic version of Phobos that makes it easy and natural to use D with manual memory management.

Maybe it's already the case, but then I suggest that you should promote it louder, so that people don't even feel the need to try Rust for instance.

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