On Monday, 6 March 2017 at 17:54:25 UTC, Anthony wrote:
Would it be possible/practical to use another language's code within a D program, like Rust for example, when deterministic memory management is necessary? It feels like this would be easier then finagling with D to get a similar outcome.

Yes. You can call Rust code from C:
You can do the same to call it from D. I have never done it, but I did call Rust from Ruby at one point.

Does the GC run regardless of if it's used? Someone alluded to this earlier, but I just wanted clarity. If I write nogc code, will the GC just stand by idly? Or, is there an option to completely turn it off?

If you don't allocate with the GC, the GC doesn't run. Code marked @nogc is guaranteed not to cause the GC to run. You can turn the GC off using GC.disable, but there are extreme cases in which it can still run.

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