I have been saying for some time now that mobile is going to go after the desktop next (http://forum.dlang.org/thread/rionbqmtrwyenmhmm...@forum.dlang.org), Samsung just announced it, for a flagship device that will ship tens of millions:


That means this tidal wave of mobile swamping PCs is only going to get worse:


D is currently built and optimized for that dying PC platform. There are only two devs working on mobile, Dan and me, I don't think anybody on the core team has even tried our work.

Even Microsoft has announced that they're taking another shot at ARM, ie Windows is coming to ARM again, this time with x86 emulation for old Win32 apps:


I would even go so far as to say it may be worthwhile to develop an ARM backend for dmd.

What needs to be done? Same as anything else, we need people to try it out and pitch in, like this guy who's now trying ldc out on an embedded device with an old ARMv5 core:


I provide Android releases of ldc here:


We've been fixing Android/ARM regressions in the latest D releases here:


More than anything else, we need the community to try building mobile libraries and apps, because compiler support is largely done. We need to integrate mobile into our plans, rather than it just being a sideline.

There are two main possibilities for D usage on mobile right now:

- D libraries for faster code than the native languages
- full GUI apps written in D, likely cross-platform

The latter may seem far-fetched given D has not done that well in desktop GUI apps, but mobile is still a new market and D could do well. D is uniquely well-suited to mobile, because it's nicer than Java or Obj-C while more efficient than the former, and it could make it easier to go cross-platform.

Vadim has done some nice work building DLangUI on Android, including a Tetris app that I spent half an hour playing on my phone:


I realize D is never going to have a polished devkit for mobile unless a company steps up and charges for that work. But we can do a lot better than the complacency from the community we have now.

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