On Friday, 7 April 2017 at 09:40:26 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
On 07/04/2017 10:34 AM, Joakim wrote:
On Thursday, 6 April 2017 at 05:32:41 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
IMO there is two things that need to be done to get D for mobile:

1: ldc needs to natively target and distribute binaries for Android
(MIPS, ARM, at least).

I'm not sure what you mean by "natively target." Do you mean that the shipping ldc compiler should come with Android/ARM target support built in? That can be done, but it's useless without a stdlib cross-compiled
for the target and ldc doesn't provide the cross-compiler
scripts/toolchain with its releases that would allow you to easily start cross-compiling, even though the compiler itself is capable. Instead, I provide a cross-compiler for linux/x64 that comes with a cross-compiled stdlib for Android/ARM, and link to instructions on how to use it with
the Android NDK toolchain.

So basically druntime, Phobos all good to go basically be able to do ldc2 test.d and get a valid (yet to be apk'd) executable. But the point was to have it all officially supported and ready to go with clear instructions on how to use it.

That's all available from my Android releases: the only part you could say is missing is "official support," since they're not put out on ldc's official github release page.

There are a couple issues that block that, one of which I mentioned above: ldc has never released a cross-compiler with a cross-compiled stdlib, or at least scripts that make it easy to cross-compile the stdlib yourself, and instructions on integrating with some cross-compilation toolchain. Another is that my cross-compiler currently requires a lightly tweaked llvm.

2: extern(JNI) seriously, its a pain to work with Java over JNI
otherwise. It would be worse then not having extern(Obj-C).

I don't think it's that bad, but sure, we could always make it easier.

After working on djvm, there is no way I'd want to not have it. It's just too hard to do it library only.

I have not tried djvm yet, perhaps we could work together on this.

On Friday, 7 April 2017 at 14:47:03 UTC, Marco Leise wrote:
Am Thu, 06 Apr 2017 05:24:07 +0000
schrieb Joakim <dl...@joakim.fea.st>:

D is currently built and optimized for that dying PC platform.

As long as the world still needs headless machines running
web sites, simulations, cloud services, ...;
as long as we still need to edit office documents, run
multimedia software to edit photos and video, play AAA video
games the "PC master race" way;
I'm confident that we have a way to go until all the
notebooks, PCs and Macs disappear. :)

As I've noted many times on this forum, no tech ever completely disappears: there's still somebody out there running COBOL and mainframes. But they do _effectively_ disappear, as you almost never see them.

That is what is happening to the PC. When is the last time you saw someone running a UNIX workstation? Back when I was in college decades ago, that's all I used to use, except for writing papers.

In my household, we had two Windows laptops and two Android smartphones four years ago; today we have two Android tablets and two Android smartphones, ie no PCs anymore. There are increasingly people worldwide using smartphones and tablets who have never and will never touch a PC! This move to add multiwindow docked functionality to smartphones makes that more prevalent.

As for your examples, my first link above notes that Microsoft and Adobe have made software available to do just that on your S8. Yes, there are compute-heavy workloads that you will always need servers for, but ARM is going after that market too (https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2017/03/microsoft-latest-open-source-servers-shown-off-with-intel-amd-and-even-arm-chips/), and because the number and capability of mobile devices is exploding, that compute-heavy share is going down.

I'd say we just have /more/ fully capable computers around us
nowadays. I'd probably roughly split it into
- web/cloud server machines, often running VMs
- scientific computation clusters
- desktops (including notebooks)
- smart phones
- embedded devices running Linux/Android (TVs, receivers,
  refrigerators, photo boxes, etc...)

My point is that mobile, ie smartphones and tablets, is so dominant that it is subsuming many of those other categories. I've already mentioned desktop/laptop sales going down since mobile took off, another is embedded devices that you'd have mentioned before getting subsumed into mobile, ie mp3 players, ereaders, standalone cameras, and GPS devices' sales have all been devastated. People don't buy TVs, receivers, and photo boxes as much as before because their mobile device suffices. Unfortunately, you cannot use your smartphone for refrigeration yet. ;)

When targeting smart phones you have to comply to every manufacturer's frameworks and security measures. On the other hand you can directly sell software and services.

I'm not sure what you're referring to here: Samsung has different security measures than Huawei, which require app modifications? And mobile sales are usually less direct, as you have to go through an app store, which you didn't have to with PCs.

The embedded device I know best is my TV receiver, which boots into Linux and then starts a statically compiled executable that handles GUI rendering, remote control input and communication with the hardware. If you knew the protocols you could replace it with something written in Dlang.

These devices are not as prominent as phones, but the
barrier of entry is relatively low for many applications once
you have bindings to a couple of frequently needed C libraries
such as freetype, ffmpeg or opencv.

I don't know much about the software stack for receivers, but it's not as important as mobile and likely has higher barriers given the greater fragmentation. It is likely that some mobile-based platform, like Android TV, will end up being much more important in this market.

I realize D is never going to have a polished devkit for mobile unless a company steps up and charges for that work. But we can do a lot better than the complacency from the community we have now.

As you can use mostly the same compiler targets for embedded as for phones, your best bet to stabilize the ldc targets are probably the embedded developers, because they can see the immediate benefit for their projects and their knowledge about the underlying hardware can help track down bugs.

My understanding is that embedded both has many more hardware targets and software stacks, so mobile is actually much easier. I'd like to see D on more capable embedded hardware that can handle it, and the runtime stripped down eventually for less capable embedded hardware.

However, it's not a market I deal with, so either way, I'm not going to do anything with it.

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