On Monday, 10 April 2017 at 11:40:12 UTC, Matthias Klumpp wrote:
1) Is there some perspective on D getting a defined ABI that works with all major D compilers? 2) What would the D community recommend on how to deal with the ABI issues currently? A Linux distribution is a bunch of tightly integrated software, and changing one piece in an incompatible way (e.g. by building it with LDC instead of DMD) will have consequences. 3) Will DMD support more architectures in the near future? How should the architecture issue be handled?

My prediction for Walters reply:

1) No. Not worth it, because templates, ctfe, etc.
3) No. Not worth it, because D frontend stuff is more important.

Also: If you want to help out Debian's D team, feel free to ping me or any other D team member (we are very short handed and are only two active people right now). See https://wiki.debian.org/D (caution, wiki page is very outdated, last touched in 2012)

Tentative ping, but that Wiki page is not helpful. The linked svn repo is empty. Where and how do you work?

I guess the issue are still the same as you wrote here (except 1. is solved):

So, mostly dub needs work, I guess.

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