On Tuesday, 11 April 2017 at 00:47:34 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

Hi folks,

Also, what are we even looking to distribute in debian? I would have thought that the normal thing to do would be to build with dub, in which case, having the compiler and dub be debian packages makes sense but not really anything else.

Are you only targeting manually operated inhouse applications
where operator = developer ?

I haven't done any serious D programming yet - the language itself
looks quite interesting to me, eg. for embedded systems.

Unfortunately, the current situation makes it pretty unusable to me.

but then if you just statically link it, the ABI compatibility problem goes away as does any need to package any D library dependencies.

Technically correct, but then the maintainers of individual packages have to keep an eye on each single package in the dependency chain, eg. on security issues and rebuild in those cases - basically defeating
one of the major goals of the concept of distros.


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