On Thursday, 6 April 2017 at 17:56:03 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
On Thursday, 6 April 2017 at 13:55:43 UTC, Olivier FAURE wrote:

I don't want to make any assumptions, and I do respect Walter for consistently taking on a role that means that people keep criticizing his choices whatever he does, but his approach to dealing with the community is undeniably flawed, and seems to be breeding a lot of frustration and resentment.

IMO the source of the problem is that Walter and Andrei have freedom to make any language changes they want, without even consulting the community, while everyone else has to put a lot of time into a formal proposal with nearly a 100% chance that it will be denied because of [insert your favorite reason]. The design of the language is done in something of a corporate fashion, and that leads to frustrated posts.*

I agree.

I was never personally affected by this (because I haven't contributed to the language or library), but I have heard enough rumours and read enough posts, that see this as problematic (and even frustrated although me not personally touched).

The problem exists probably because D community some years ago reached the scale when only interpersonal non-formal communication doesn't work for managing the development process. I know that Walter is oppose to any code of conduct, but it is really time for this. The formalization of processes gives transparency and objectivity, very high needed values especially for volunteer community. A depersonification could also go by hand (but not necessary, having a written rule where e.g. Walter personally designated to specific role and exceptions, better that not have rule at all).

The DIP process is very good step in this way, but much more required. E.g. I have heard so much about miserable commit messages of one of pillar developers, that it would be funny if it wouldn't be so sad.

I hope that D community find its good way to interoperate and hence survive.

Alaksiej Stankievič

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