Am Mon, 10 Apr 2017 12:24:15 +0000
schrieb Vladimir Panteleev <>:

> On Monday, 10 April 2017 at 09:35:30 UTC, crimaniak wrote:
> >  IMHO, it's better to do the same as with HTML letters: 
> > text/markdown body + text/plain body for clients not supporting 
> > markdown.  
> Multipart messages have their issues.
> Are there any clients which will render a text/markdown part as 
> Markdown? I'm not aware of any.

Claws Mail renders it the same as text/plain. I don't know
what other news clients do, but the idea to render all text/*
as text/plain goes a long way until a proper plugin is
available. (text/html without a plugin is really
horrible though)
I think once a big player starts to support Markdown the rest
will follow, but it makes no sense for the Dlang news groups
to try and get the ball rolling.
(A problem with HTML mail is the great flexibility. Some mails
are unreadable on a dark color scheme or the different fonts
and sizes drive you mad.)


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