On Thursday, 27 April 2017 at 14:53:02 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
This year, DConf has an extra day tacked on for problem solving in the form of a hackathon. The intent is to work on issues people find frustrating in the D ecosystem. While there will be time given at the event for proposals, and those involving third-party projects are welcome, it will help speed things along for the organizers to come in with a list of big issues to get the ball rolling.

To help in compiling the list, what are some major issues from the ecosystem that you'd like to see fixed?

I would vote for getting the std.decimal proposal from the review queue into a good shape for std.experimental.

Another big issue for me is using dub in a company. Big companies do not want to use the official dub repository due to security issues. They want to run their own dub repository with dub packages they have done code checks. That means also the git projects are mirrored in git repositories within the company. First step into this direction is to have the possibility to specify the dub repository address within the dub.json.

Kind regards

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