On 04/27/2017 07:35 PM, Stanislav Blinov wrote:
IAllocator is too high level an interface, it doesn't carry any
information as to what type of memory it can allocate (so we can only
assume unshared), and does or does it not use GC (so we can only assume

Initially all fresh memory is unshared. Whether or not the user subsequently shares it is of no consequence to the allocator. Allocators must, however, distinguish between reentrant and non-reentrant calls to the allocation primitives.

With regard to whether the memory is collectable or not we need some more thinking.

If we are to devise types with allocators as members instead of type
arguments, we need the additional information. Better to catch invalid
assignment at compile time than to chase down how a stack allocator from
one thread ended up in another.

A pass through the root allocators (Mallocator, GCAllocator etc) figuring out what attributes could be meaningfully attached would be welcome. The rest would rely on inference.



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