Coedit is actually by far my favorite IDE for D testing and debugging.

I liked it immediately after I saw that it doesn't need to create a project if all you need it compile and test a small D script.

I know I can create a project, but for tiny projects I don't use it on purpose, despite I personally prefer to have only one file per class, because projects tie the source code compilation to a particular IDE.

All my tools can be compiled with "dmd xxx.d", which is really as simple as it can possibly be.

I know that "dmd aaa.d bbb.d ccc.ddd ..." works too, but as long as my scripts are just a few hundreds of lines of code long, I'm ok with that.

My only concerns with Coedit are a few usability problems when editing the code.

By default :

* When I copy a block of code, I have to select it from the end of the previous line, or else the inserted code indentation goes wrong.

* When doing a find and replace, Coedit replaces the next occurrence despite I don't see it and I'm not sure I want to replace it, instead of the one highlighted under the cursor, which I'm totally sure I want to replace.

* A closing brace is automatically inserted at the wrong position and with a unwanted blank line if I put enter to insert a missing closing brace.

  I'm not sure, but I think the case is the following :
}<- editor bugs if I put enter to manually add the missing brace on the next line

* The regular expressions are always enabled by default when searching text.

* When I change some preferences, Coedit only keeps them until the next restart.

I know that's really not much, but this bothers me enough so that I still prefer Geany for pure coding sessions.

Only after I've finished programming the core code and prettified it, I switch to Coedit to try compiling, testing and debugging it.

Except for these tiny annoyances when typing code, Coedit is an exceptionally good IDE, and I really like it a lot, that's why it's the only one I've mentioned.

I don't mind posting my usability remarks on your Github account if you confirm me that they can indeed be considered as "bugs"...

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