On Monday, 22 May 2017 at 10:13:02 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:
Over the past weeks I have been noticing a specific case where it happens. I call it reverse type inference, simply because it goes against the normal evaluation order.

I think what you want, in the general sense, is basically overloading based on return-type. Which I think is a very useful and cool feature.

But D moste likely follows C++ by doing resolution bottom-up (starting from the leaves of the AST).

For the requested feature you need to do resolution top-down (which I believe Ada does).

The downside of this is when you hit ambiguities, thanks to implicit conversion/coercion (which I think is mostly a mal-feature and a source for bugs).

One solution to this is to give preference to the match that use the fewest implicit conversions.

But I think the better solution is to:

1. remove implicit type conversion

2. add a more compact notation for indicating desired type so that you can call the desired function without using the return value. (i.e. "f(x):int" to request the version of f(x) that returns int)

You might hack together a solution just for templates, but it makes the language even less orthogonal than it is. So I think D is better off doing it in a manner that is consistent and avoids more special cases.

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