On 5/24/17 10:58 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 5/24/17 10:28 AM, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
Ok, well, I see templates in this context as a variation of overloading,
just with the template parametric type being a set of types i.e. all
types that the program provides, minus the ones prevented by
contraints.  I guess it is a matter of vantage point.

It would be odd to allow this for templates only and not provide it for

I believe that IFTI would be much more straightforward than overloading,
because there is no concern about implicit conversion.

In fact, you could simulate overloading of return values based on IFTI instantiation:

void fooImpl(ref int retval, int x) { ... }
void fooImpl(ref string retval, int x) { ... }

T foo(T)(int x) { T t; fooImpl(t, x); return t; }
int x = foo(1);
string y = foo(2);


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