On 2017-06-11 21:17, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Phobos' posix.mak offers the ability to only run unittests for one module:

make std/range/primitives.test BUILD=debug -j8

... or package:

make std/range.test BUILD=debug -j8

It runs module tests in parallel and everything. This is definitely
awesome. But say I misspell things by using a dot instead of the slash:

make std.range.test BUILD=debug -j8

Instead of an error, I get a no-op result that looks like success. How
can that situation be converted to an error?

Wouldn't it be more natural if the following syntax was used:

make test std/range/primitives.d

That is, "make test" then the path to a file or directory.

But I rather see the make build system completely replaced with something else.

/Jacob Carlborg

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