H. S. Teoh wrote:

and i really mean it: it was less than a second even for a huge
projects, where linking alone took long enough that i could get coffee
and cigarette.  ;-)

Your project is not huge enough. :-D

~20MB, >2000 source files. for *this* it was something like 0.5-3 seconds (it obviously oscillates). and of course, i'm not talking about full rebuilds. this is *all* the time k8jam spent before invoking compiler/linker.

and for pathological 800MB use cases... don't do that. you obviously don't need to have thing thing as a one huge project (althru i'm sure that k8jam can do it).

k8jam can use timestamps and md5 sums to detect changes (althru i'm usually using only timestamps, and had zero problems with it ever), and it can optionally cache gathered info.

note that even for small "helloworld" C project, k8jam also checks *all* standard libc include files that which brought into the project even by simple `#inlcude <stdlib.h>`! and i never bothered to optimize this, 'cause it takes no time anyway.

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