On Wednesday, 14 June 2017 at 12:08:16 UTC, Mike wrote:
* C++ interoperabiliy
Walter's right: memory safety is going to kill C and C++ will go with it. Don't waste time on this; it's not going to matter in 10 or 20 years.
Thank you for making a list to give people an idea of what D3 could be, but I definitely don't support less interoperability with C++. I want D3 to have a better argument to transition from C++ than D2 has. With all the C++ API's out there, making D incompatible would be a ginormous deal-breaker for a ridiculous number of projects. D3 should seek to be worth the transition from C++.

For those who say that this idea can't go anywhere without an idea of what changes it would make, I'll relink to the page I already posted. There are many proposals that were rejected due to "breaking changes" that should be relooked for D3.

People who say they like D2 for "stability" don't need to worry. What would be a threat to stability is breaking changes in D2. But that was never allowed, so you must not worry. If D3 was released, you may still use D2 just as you would have otherwise.

For the people who talk about D3 being an alternative to, rather than a replacement for D2: I think that D3 should seek to be a better option than D2 for virtually every new project. If done right, it will barely split the community; I'm hoping for D3 to expand the popularity of D to overshadow what D2 ever was. Improving some things in D would make it an easier sell to C++ programmers, even in converting existing projects. What I think should be one of, if not the #1, main goal of D3 is to significantly shrink the number of scenario's in which C++ is more viable than D (to less than one third. Not "more viable" in the opinions of the D fanatics here, but to everyone who properly considers D vs C++. I feel like D only needs one more major (breaking) revision to do this, and it would be a less dramatic change than D1-D2.

For those who are saying that everything is right with D2, I want to point out that there is a bias to the people in this forum. It is that people posting here tend to be "insiders", who don't mind/see the problems that discourage others from using D. There are surely many "outsiders" out there (not reading this) who have considered D in the past, but chose C++ instead for valid reasons. I recommend searching the internet for others opinions on D. You may find disadvantages of D apparent to other programmers that you never thought of. Have you ever talked to a C++ programmer about what they think of D, and why they don't use it?

Also, I must say that although D is often discussed as a "systems programming language", I also have high hopes for it as an application programming language. Once it's more widely supported, it can significantly lower the barrier-of-entry for programming. People naturally gifted at programming probably don't realize how ridiculously high the barrier of entry is for most people, even those who are interested.

I hope that Walter and Andrei give a proper response to this thread. I wonder why they haven't.

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