Removing all C++ compatibility is a death sentence for D. This may not be apparent to some people that already program in D, but it is downright critical to potential D users. Zero C++ compatibility means that D can no longer interface with C++ libraries such as Qt, putting a severe limitation on it's uses.

At the very least, dropping C++ compatibility is not for D3. If ever, it should happen when D is already as popular as C++. I brought up this whole D3 idea because I feel like D just needs one more wave of breaking changes to the language and library to be brought to perfection. There are many C++ programmers out there who looked into/tried D and felt like it was almost good enough. I think it will just take one major breaking version to make them jump, but not if it's totally incompatible with C++.

D3 should make the changes that can be agreed between proud D users and C++ users who have hopes for D.

On Saturday, 17 June 2017 at 06:23:08 UTC, Suliman wrote:
On Saturday, 17 June 2017 at 04:32:41 UTC, Liam McGillivray wrote:
On Wednesday, 14 June 2017 at 12:08:16 UTC, Mike wrote:
* C++ interoperabiliy
Walter's right: memory safety is going to kill C and C++ will go with it. Don't waste time on this; it's not going to matter in 10 or 20 years.
Totally agree! C++ now in 90% of cases is legacy projects. At current time is more important to out of the box interoperability with Rust or Julia. Time show that C++ do not want to migrate to D. Only few people come from C++ world, because all of them waiting of new C++ standard c++x2035 (or whatever)
Please don't quote me just to say "Totally agree!" to someone that I quoted and disagree with.

A prediction that C++ is going to be dead in 10 years is not good enough. C++ is very active, not just legacy like you say. As I said, D should not drop compatibility until it's ALREADY clear that it's getting surpassed by D. I support interoperability with Rust if it's doable. I barely know about Julia.

Like I said, there are actually many C++ programmers out there who feel like D2 has promise, but not quite there. THIS is why I brought up this D3 idea. I really do think that D3 could bring quite some excitement to the programming community if it's coming along well. After a few of the more open-minded C++ programmers adopt D, it will trickle up to more and more.

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