On 6/15/2017 11:30 PM, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:
A direct question to Walter and Andrei really.

If someone, let us say Russel Winder, create a CMake/Ninja and/or
Meson/Ninja build for DMD, is there any chance of it being allowed to
replace the Make system?

If the answer is no, then Russel will obviously not waste his time
doing something that will not be accepted.

It's highly unlikely it would be accepted:

1. make is ubiquitous. It's not something we have to scrounge to find on platform X, it's already there. People already are familiar with it (even if they hate it).

2. we're in the D business, not the project build business. It's easier to get past that "first 5 minutes" if everything about D other than D itself is familiar and conventional.

3. to steal from Churchill, `make` is the worst form of build system except for all the others

4. much as I dislike make, the time spent wrestling with it is a vanishingly tiny slice of time compared to what spent on the rest of D. Getting that time slice to zero will have no effect on productivity, and I'm not convinced that a newer build system will even reduce that time slice at all (see point 5).

5. D has a more complex build process than it should. Using another build system won't make that complexity go away.

6. unlike the choice to use github, there is no clear winner in the `make` category of build tools. If the industry has moved on from make to X, then we should, too. But it has not.

7. the current makefiles for DMD suffer from over-engineering, i.e. making simple things complicated and excessively using obscure features of make. This isn't really the fault of make.

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