On 21.06.2017 02:51, MysticZach wrote:

I think people could get used to the cognitive dissonance.

That's really not what D is about.

I've already gotten used to it just by writing this DIP.

I think it is likely that you are an outlier.

If such an alternative checking system is utilized,

If so, there should be a way to hook into the checking logic. This has nothing at all to do with contract syntax. asserts and contracts are coupled already, as in-contracts form a disjunction on override by catching AssertErrors.

the syntax for  writing contracts should be as easy
for them as for those using `assert`.

Maybe, but your DIP does not pull its own weight as long as the latter syntax is not a notable improvement over what we have now. H. S. Teoh's counter-proposal is, and I think your DIP has a much higher chance of acceptance if you go with it.

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