On Thursday, 22 June 2017 at 00:27:38 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 21.06.2017 19:39, MysticZach wrote:
My counterargument to that is that it's possible that the cognitive dissonance only occurs because of what people are used to, rather than what is inherent to the syntax.

This is a purely philosophical distinction without empirical basis.

Well I never experienced the dissonance myself, and was surprised to find that others did experience it. I just thought my proposal was a better syntax for `in` and `out` contracts.

Well my impression was that Walter liked it too, although I could have misinterpreted his comment here:


He is saying it is good that a DIP to improve contract syntax /exists/. I agree with that.

It's really not clear what he meant. I guessed that the highest probability of what he meant was that he actually liked the DIP, as opposed to the mere fact that it _was_ a DIP. But as I already said, I could have misinterpreted his comment. In the face of lack of knowledge, it's a sign of wisdom to admit that one might be wrong, I think.

If such an alternative checking system is utilized,

there should be a way to hook into the checking logic.

Improving the checking logic interface may solve at a higher level the problem I'm trying to solve at a very low one, with mere syntax changes, and it might be (is probably?) the best way forward.

Your proposal does not solve this problem, and there is no need for this DIP to do that.

The goal of this DIP, and the problem I'm trying to solve, is "Improve Contract Usability." And for this, H.S. Teoh's proposal is a very good one. But it still has a sticking point, which I want to resolve, namely that it elevates the existing `assert` functionality beyond the current requirement that one must explicitly write `assert`, going so far as to imply it in the grammar itself. But because of many complaints about the limitations of the assert mechanism as it currently exists, I would hesitate to install it into the grammar as the "One Chosen Way" to bail out of contracts with the new syntax.

However, if the functioning of the `assert` mechanism were more customizable, then it would be easier to entrust it, in my opinion, with the "sacred responsibility" of being installed into the grammar. H.S. Teoh's proposal would then stand on a firmer foundation, and my initial proposed syntax would become the inferior optionl. At that point, this DIP could be rewritten to advocate his syntax instead. (I think it would be better to just retain the number and title "DIP1009: Improve Contract Usability" than to make a new one for the same issue. Other DIPs have followed this pattern, where it was the goal and title that remained the same, while the specifics changed.)

We are looking for a significant improvement. Otherwise, what's the point? We need to justify the cost.

The intent of my proposal was to make a small improvement. The cost (or so I thought, and may still believe) was also small. Small improvements are still improvements. DIP1003 is an example of this.


The point of contracts is assigning blame by documenting assumptions and guarantees. If something within the function body crashes, it's ideally the fault of the function implementation.
I like new as long as it is an improvement. This is not. Having syntax subtrees that do not actually logically belong to their parent in the grammar is awkward language design, especially if they affect the parent's signature.

I'm still wondering what, in practice, the difference really is. With existing syntax:

int fun(int a)
in { assert(a); } // 1
do {
    assert(a); // 2

What will the compiler or programmer actually learn from 1 if it violates that they won't learn from 2 if it violates? What is the practical incentive for `in` contracts at all? All my new syntax does is assume that there is in fact a difference between 1 and 2, and makes 1 easier to write, as:

int fun(int a) {
    in assert(a); // 1
    assert(a); // 2

As far as syntax subtrees not belonging to their parent, I can see where the cognitive dissonance comes from. But it just doesn't seem that bad to me, since contracts are always executed as if they are sequential statements anyway. I would imagine that new programmers who only ever encountered the new proposed syntax would be surprised that the old syntax ever existed in the first place, as it's so unnecessarily awkward.

But at this point, we might as well wait for more feedback from other people.

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