On Friday, 23 June 2017 at 16:21:28 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 09:06:59AM +0000, Solomon E via Digitalmars-d wrote: [...]
T foo(T)(T x, T y)
    in (x > 0, y > 0)
    out (r; r > 0)
    return x % y + 1;

Hmm, I like this syntax for out-contracts! It borrows from existing foreach syntax, so it has some precedence, whereas the previous proposal of `out(...)(...)` looks uglier and also looks deceptively like a template function declaration.

`out (r; r > 0)` gets my vote.

OTOH, I don't like the comma in the in-contract. Let's just keep it as either separate clauses:

        in (x > 0)
        in (y > 0)

Yeah, my take is that the grammar for `assert`s applies to the new syntax as well. If the grammar for asserts is this:

  assert ( AssertParameters )

... then the grammar for the new syntax is:

  in ( AssertParameters )

  out ( ; AssertParameters )
  out ( Identifier ; AssertParameters )

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