On Sat, 21 Nov 2009 13:21:10 -0500, aarti_pl <aa...@interia.pl> wrote:

Problem with current approach is that I have to define SQL in D/Java in following way:

auto statement = Select(visitcars.name).Where(And(More(visitcards.id, 100), Like(visitcards.surname, "A*")));

Please look at code in Where(). It's so awfuuuuulllllll!

It would be so much better to write:
auto statement = Select(visitcars.name).Where((visitcards.id `>` 100) `AND` (visitcards.surname `Like` "A*"));

I used here syntax which you have proposed with delimiter ``. I think it is good enough solution for such purpose.


Would something like expression trees (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb397951.aspx) suit your needs?

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