If you haven't watched it yet, Walter's dconf keynote this year is a good place to start as are the discussion on dip1000 and the dip itself.
Thanks, that's a good hint, I'll definitely watch it. :)

But as Rikki said the fact that all arrays carry they length means that we have array bounds checking, which rules out one class of very common bugs you would get in C.
Yes, that's what I call "security oriented software technology concept" or "vulnerability avoiding concept". It's one of the many things D did right and which I want to mention (there are so many!), but it's not a concrete impact on software architecture. That's what I mainly seek. It's not that easy to find concrete impacts IMO.

I'm about to hand in my Honours thesis on Monday after doing it for a year, I don't think I could do one in six months, so best of luck!

If I could, I would also happily wrote a year or more, since there is so much to write about, but we only have six months for our master thesis.

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