On Saturday, 1 July 2017 at 14:40:36 UTC, ketmar wrote:
Dgame wrote:

Which impact would have D on the software-architecture, if it would be choosen for a 2D game instead of C/C++?
i can actually finish 'em. most of the time when i'm working with D, i feel that compiler tries to help me. EVERY TIME i'm working with C/C++, i know for sure that compiler silently setting traps for me ('cause it is absolutely impossible to write safe and secure C/C++ code
Do you have examples (code and/or personal experience) about that?

-- tnx to standard committee and compiler implementers, anything can turn into UB unexpectedly, and writing UB-free code is tedious and it will have UB anyway).
Is that described somewhere? Or do you have examples or both?

otherwise, i hate writing articles: writing code is way more fun. ;-)

Same here. :D

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